Sunday, May 11, 2008

The effects of globalization on my life..

Globalization refers in general to the worldwide integration of humanity and the compression of both the temporal and spatial dimensions of planet wide , human interaction.This chapter refers to the impact of Globalization on Managerial Learning in Romania.

For more than forty years, Romania lived under an autocracy, with severe discipline and a largely rural culture. The man agreement system was centralised and poorly adapted to economic reforms. The overthrow of Nicolae Ceausescu's (photos) regime in December 1989 marked the begging of a new era of globalisation in Romania.

This chapter examines the critical learning experiences that enabled owner-managers of small private companies in Romania to lead successfully in the transition to a global, free-market economy in order to determine what triggered their learning, what strategies they used, and what lessons they learned.

This chapter reports the findings related to globalization and influence on managers learning and the implications for developing human sources in Romania.

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